
This week in the development of the Cherrylicious game, my focus was on implementing and analysing the results of the game testing session conducted with classmates and the tutor. The testing survey aimed to gather feedback and insights into the players' experiences with the game. Overall, the feedback received was positive, but there were several areas that required consideration and improvement.
One recurring feedback was that players were primarily focused on finishing the levels rather than collecting cherries. To address this, a new feature was added to the game. Now, in order to survive and progress to the next level, players must collect a certain number of cherries. This introduces a strategic element to gameplay and ensures that players actively engage with the core objective of collecting cherries. The Player can now see the number of cherries needed for each level and cherries left to collect by pressing "F" Key. 
GIF for display of number of cherries needed:
For the first three levels, we have designed them in a way that allows players to backtrack and collect more cherries. However, for the fourth level, a different approach was implemented. Players now need to trigger a platform to return to the midpoint of the level, where they can gather additional cherries. This adds a new challenge and encourages players to explore the level thoroughly.
GIF for level 4 (end) option of going halfway:
Feedback indicated that some players found the first level to be quite challenging. To address this, we have made certain modifications. The number of must-collect cherries has been reduced, making it easier for players to meet the requirements. Additionally, more spaces for jumping and waiting for platforms have been added, providing players with more opportunities to navigate through the level comfortably.
GIF for more space in Level one:

One of the classmates mentioned that they were hesitant to touch any obstacles, even if they were not harmful. To alleviate this concern, we have implemented an optional guidance system. Now, arrows are displayed in the game, instructing players where they can safely move. This provides clearer visual cues and helps players understand the gameplay mechanics, resulting in a more confident and enjoyable experience.
GIF of arrow from one of the examples from level 2:

According to feedback, some players found level 3 to be less challenging compared to the other levels. In response, we have increased the number of must-collect cherries for this level. This adjustment aims to maintain a consistent level of difficulty throughout the game.
A few classmates expressed that they did not find the game as enjoyable as expected. To address this concern, we believe that the introduction of the must-collect cherry feature will help engage them more deeply with the gameplay. By emphasizing the importance of collecting cherries, we hope to create a more engaging and rewarding experience for all players.
When the player has collected the required cherries, the display will change to something like this;

In conclusion, this week's development efforts were focused on incorporating feedback from the game testing session and making necessary adjustments to improve the overall gameplay experience. The addition of the must-collect cherry feature, level design modifications, player guidance implementation, difficulty adjustments, and the "F" key functionality aim to address the specific areas highlighted by the players. By continuously refining and enhancing the game based on user feedback, we are working towards creating a more enjoyable and captivating Cherrylicious experience for all players.

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